Monday 29 June 2009

Now Im panicing!!

Ok, so I called Macmillian nurse to check if Darren needed any bloods done between now and his appointment, as they had changed it. Also told her his been very tired, bruising again and generally under the weather. She called back and they have requested we both attend a meeting with the specialist on weds this week! Now I dont know what they are thinking, I cant seem to find much on rejection online, although he has a higher risk because he had enlarged liver and spleen at dx.

God feel like my worlds falling apart all over again :(

Sunday 28 June 2009

Well Holiday was meant to be relaxing right?

Darren wasnt well at all for atleast the first week and didnt really pick up till last 3 days. He often had to go back to bed, lay down as he ached everywhere and also developed a problem with his kin. He couldnt even bear a tshirt touching his skin as it was too painful. :( Macmillian nurse thinks it might have been shingles!
He did pick up and we managed to keep the kids busy, and have some nice days at the pool, beach and out seeing friends so wasnt a complete loss.
Biggest news was Tanisha learnt to swim! she was so good and was jumping in the deep end by the end of holiday, was so proud of her.
am going to add some pics of the holiday too, but have to get on with my washing pile too :)

Wednesday 10 June 2009

well it continues

Darren is still unwell. His tired out, not eating much and very achey all over. His blood came back ok and GP said it sounds like a flu virus :(
I guess this sort of thing will hit hard, while he remains on treatment. We are meant to leave for our holiday on Friday, but i dont even know if we will go then or maybe a few days later. Will just have to see how Darren is, and if his up for travelling.

Saturday 6 June 2009

infections grrrr

Well Darrens still not well at all. His finding any movement hard work, is sleeping loads, still dizzy and not eating much at all. I called Macmillian nurse and she agrees with GP that its an infection and says will take a while to recover.
Tanisha's appointment was a little strange. The doctor agreed she has ASD but doesnt feel a diagnosis is helpful at this time as we are all managing ok.

We were meant to go out last night with some friends, but Darren was in no fit state so i went alone and missed having him there.

Darren had more blood taken today, so hopeful of some good results next week.