Monday 6 April 2009

woo hoo and boo hoo

Well wonderful news that Darrens white cell count is back to normal range!! HIs Liver results have started to drop and hoping they will go back within normal range asap.
Bad news, why is there always bad news too??!! Hammersmith hospital have managed to lose/destroy Darren first lot of special blood results, and so the consultant isnt happy. It was the results to tell the doctor how well his body was responding to Chemo, as so they needed the bloods from his first day of dianogisis. Grrr consultant explained that it now is difficult to get a true picture of how he responds to the chemo! He had more tests today but not going to be true result as his been on chemo for nearly 4 weeks :(

Now white cells are down, he has to work on bring the percentage of cancer cells in the bone marrow down, then he will be in remission. Consultant feels this will take 8-12months. Still a long way to go but so happy with positive news today.

My friend has all my thoughts and prayers with her for good results today, good luck sweetie xx

My car passed MOT!!

We are walking to local ish (a good 45-60min walk) park tomorrow for a picnic. There is loads of us going so looking forward to a nice day. Got loads planned for days out over easter. Anything to keep our mind off cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hun, Im glad you had what seems a very positive day...apart from them losing his first test results!! speak soon



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